He had a rapacious appetite for bird's nest soup. 他吃燕窝汤吃个没够。
When a bird's nest is overturned, no egg can remain intact. 覆巢之下无完卵。
May: You know, the Bird Nest is just not far from here. 阿美:鸟巢就离这里不远。
This huge transformer is being put up at the north square of Beijing's Bird Nest. And believe it or not, it is all made of old auto parts. 在北京鸟巢的北广场上,它的创作者们正在对它进行组装。也许你都不敢相信,这个机器人完全是由旧的汽车部件拼成的!
That loss for the Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corp., Ltd is more than what it cost to build the Olympic Bird Nest stadium, now a major landmark in Beijing, which cost 3.13 billion yuan to build. 北京市地铁运营有限公司(BeijingMassTransitRailwayOperationCorp.Ltd)的这个亏损数字超过了奥运会主场馆鸟巢的建设成本。鸟巢已成为北京的一大标志性建筑,造价人民币31.3亿元。
By the Olympic Extension, you can go to Bird's Nest, Water Cube and other main venues. 坐奥运支线可以到达鸟巢,水立方和其他主要场馆。
This giant bird nest was designed by Merav Eitan and Gaston Zahr as part of the Green Garden Exhibition. 这个巨大的鸟窝床是由MeravEitan和GastonZahr设计的绿园展览作品的一部分。
The Bird's Nest has already revolutionized people's view of China! 鸟巢已经让世人对今天的中国刮目相看了!
The Bird Nest is so beautiful that many foreigners have come to visit it. 鸟巢太漂亮了,以至于很多外国人都来参观。
The observation of the bird nest type nursing using in the low birth weight premature infant 鸟巢式护理应用于低出生体重早产儿的观察
Out of the window is the picturesque capital, and just in front you can see the bird nest and water cube. 窗外京城风景如画,鸟巢、水立方屹立在眼前,具有独特的高雅风格的豪华套房让您顿感物有所值。
However, by sharing knowledge on bird nest, are we encouraging people to flock to take photos of the nest? 但跟市民分享鸟巢的知识又是否相等于鼓励大家一窝蜂的去抢拍鸟巢呢?
One more notice: For observing bird nest, in order not to disclose the nest location, please shorten the observation time and keep in low profile. 补充一点:对于观察鸟巢,请尽量缩短观察的时间,亦请尽量低调,避免被其他人发现巢位,增加鸟巢遭人为干扰的机会。
Ought not a bird to nest in deep woodland or fly over meadow and marsh? 它难道不应该在深林中作窝,在草地和沼泽上飞翔?
He loves the Bird's Nest. 他喜欢鸟巢。
Then we visited "The Bird Nest" and "The Water Cube". The opening ceremony of the2008 Olympics and the swimming competitions would be held in these two stadiums respectively. 之后,我们还去了“鸟巢”和“水立方”,奥运会的开幕式和游泳比赛将在这里举行。
The magnificent bird nest and the magic water cube are so enchanting. I finally got a chance to visit them. 雄伟壮观的鸟巢和魔幻世界般的水立方是多么令人神往啊,这次我终于有机会看看了!
The Functions of the Visual Image of Bird Nest Stadium in the Dissemination of Olympic Culture 鸟巢视觉形象在奥林匹克文化传播中的作用
I do have dimples in my cheeks, my butt cheeks. There is a bird nest at the upper part of the tree. 我真的有酒窝在面皮上,我的屁屁上。在大树的上端有一个鸟窝。
Son: Didn't you say that's the saliva of swallows that makes the bird nest? How could you get it in this way? 儿子:你不是说燕窝是燕子口中分泌的的黏液吗?你这样要怎样收集呀?
Bird nest has been regarded as rare material for skin beauty, which contain natural proteins and minerals. 燕窝实为天然的蛋白质及矿物质来源,滋润养颜。胶原蛋白有助肌肤锁紧水分,保持亮泽,容光焕发。
Therefore, Paralympic Game's torch, tonight in the bird nest ignition, is only the happy symbol which carries on the task, inherits. 所以,残奥会的火炬,今晚在鸟巢的点燃,只是一个承前启后、继往开来的美好象征。
There is a new national sport stadium called "Bird Nest", the opening ceremony will be held there. 那里有一个新的国家体育场,叫做“鸟巢”,开幕式将在那里举行。
It offers traditional classics of Thailand style bird nest, abalone, shark's fins as well as Sichuan, Guangdong and Shanghai style meals at lunch and dinner, and also provides private VIP rooms. 秉承泰式燕、鲍、翅传统之经典,又辅以川、粤、海派菜肴之韵味。每日午餐和晚餐,为您奉上精制的菜肴,有多间贵宾包房可供各类型的小型聚会使用。
I stood at the foot of the enormous bird nest. I raised my head to watch it. 我站在高大的鸟巢脚下,抬头仰望,心头不断涌上阵阵喜悦!
In the series art works, one painting works on its corner showing the "Bird Nest" Stadium of Beijing Olympic Games, it obviously means the era has entered the21st century for a long time; 这系列作品中,有一幅作品画上了一个北京奥运会“鸟巢”体育馆一角,这点明了时代早已进入了二十一世纪,天空飘着许多有外国图案的小伞飞飞扬扬。
Weaving "Bird Nest" Carefully with Modern Hoisting Technology 以现代吊装技术精心编织鸟巢&大型吊装案例之一
The results showed that transplant depth was 12 cm and removing film at bird nest stage was conducive to the promotion of yield and intrinsic quality. 结果表明:烟株形态发育和产质量以移栽深度12cm结合团棵后揭膜的处理表现最好,其烟叶内在品质也较协调。
This paper analyzes on the influences of birds in the bird nest or the tunnel on the contact net, and advances some corresponding solving schemes. 分析了鸟巢和隧道(或明洞)处鸟类对接触网的影响,并提出了针对性的解决方案。
The work like "one bird nest" who mixed with Chinese and Western is the music meal for the city life and the protection of Ethnic music career of Yunnan. 像《一窝雀》这样中西合璧的作品,既能给都市生活一份音乐盛宴,又能为保护云南民族音乐事业尽一份力。